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At The Academy, we are doing our best to provide world class Education at your doorstep.

Resilience is an amazing learning and teaching where students can learn new skills and achieve their goals by learning from an extensive library of over 45,000 courses taught by world renowned.

In addition to helping individual learners achieve personal and professional goals, we offer flexible, cost-effective group memberships for your business, school, or government organization.

Why IIT?

The Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) have been considered as Jawahar Lal Nehru’s greatest gift to INDIA by a selected few, but have we even stopped to wonder why? Fortunately and the merit strictly to the achievements of IIT’s I do have a convincing answer to all you seekers out there. l. Check With global corporate giants, at least one among their top people would be an IITian. 2. Check with any Indian beginning company, again ONE among its top four executive would be an IITians. 3. A researcher at UC Berkerly has estimated that fully of startups in the silicon valley are IITian owned. 4, Bill gates founder of Microsoft says the computer industry has been benefitted greatly from and he is keen to have as much as he can in his company.

Why The Academy?

The Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) have been considered as Jawahar Lal Nehru’s greatest gift to INDIA by a selected few, but have we even stopped to wonder why? Fortunately and the merit strictly to the achievements of IIT’s I do have a convincing answer to all you seekers out there. l. Check With global corporate giants, at least one among their top people would be an IITian. 2. Check with any Indian beginning company, again ONE among its top four executive would be an IITians. 3. A researcher at UC Berkerly has estimated that fully of startups in the silicon valley are IITian owned. 4, Bill gates founder of Microsoft says the computer industry has been benefitted greatly from and he is keen to have as much as he can in his company.

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  • Admission open IIT-JEE for 2024-2025
    “साथ चलें, सपनों की ऊँचाइयों की ओर! 🚀✨ Admission Open for 2024-2025 Batch at The Academy. Elevate your aspirations with us – where dedication meets distinction. Secure your seat for success!

  • Admission open IIT-JEE for 2024-2025
    “साथ चलें, सपनों की ऊँचाइयों की ओर! 🚀✨ Admission Open for 2024-2025 Batch at The Academy. Elevate your aspirations with us – where dedication meets distinction. Secure your seat for success!


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